
The Halting Problem

There are some problems computers just can't solve. Like why Starfishes  are in star shape . Jokes apart, but here I am going to talk about one problem in particular known as The Halting Problem ( Pretty cool name). Before starting lets go back in time, to make thing more spicy ! David Hilbert (1928) At the International Congress of Mathematicians held in  Bologna, Italy , in 1928 mathematician and physicist  David Hilbert  returned to the second of the twenty-three problems posed in his 1900 paper  Mathematische Probleme , asking Is mathematics complete ?   ( can we prove everything that's true) Is it consistent ? (Does it give us none contradictory answers) Is it decidable? Three years later, the first two of these questions were answered in the negative by  Kurt Gödel . What about the third ? Lets talk about it later... The Halting Problem What is the meaning of Halting ? Halt meaning in English is  discontinue, terminate . Similarly, in Computer Science, Halting is the ter

The Metaverse and Singularity

Most people think "The Metaverse" is a virtual place. Like in a movie Ready Play One or Free Guy. A virtual world, like Minecraft, Roblox, or like Zuck showed in the Metaverse Demo. But what if it's not a place? It's not a place but, a Time? wtf? Yes, a moment in time. There is a concept known as Singularity . It's a moment in time where AI becomes smarter than Humans. The Moment when Artificial Intelligence = Human Intelligence (intersection point) Metaverse is a moment in time where our digital life worth more to us than our physical life. This is not a overnight change, or an invention by some Steve Jobs type. Its a gradual change that's been happening for 20yrs. Every important part of our life is going digital. Work: from factories to Laptops, boardrooms to Zooms Friends: from neighbors to followers. Where do you find Similar interested/minded people? Twitter, Reddit, etc. Games: more kids play Fortnite, Pubg, Valorant, etc. than basketball and foot